Or, if you have changes in your family - please click on the heading above to send us those changes. Your information is considered confidential and will not be shared. Thank you for helping us keep our Parish Directory up to date.
Are you new to our parish? If so, please consider registering so that we might have your contact information. There are registration forms on the table in the vestibule. Please fill one out and place it in the offertory basket or give it to one of the ushers. You may also register on our website by clicking on the heading above. We are looking forward to placing a name to the new faces we see on Sunday! ¿Eres nuevo en nuestra parroquia? Si es así, considere registrarse para que podamos tener su información de contacto. Hay formularios de registro en la mesa del vestíbulo. Complete uno y colóquelo en la canasta de ofrendas o déselo a uno de los ujieres. También puede registrarse en nuestro sitio web: ololgatesville.org. ¡Estamos deseando ponerle nombre a las caras nuevas que veamos el domingo!
If you like to sing (or even if you don't but just want to listen) please find the Music Ministry page (under Sacraments/Special Liturgies) as there is now a link where you can listen to and practice (if you want) our Sunday music! Just click on the heading above.